Shalom and welcome!
As you can see, this site was conceived to help the Italian public in the study of the Torah and Judaism: consequently, all the books, texts, and conferences hosted in Torah.it are in Italian.
Nevertheless, everyone can enjoy many parts of the site, since it offers a large collection of synagogue music and songs such as prayers, parashot, haftarot, prayers from the wedding ceremony and brith milà, for Shabbath and everyday services, as well as many photos and video clips, all according the Minhag Benè Romi. These are all in the Siddurim, Machzorim and texts of the Italian rite, all of which can be found in Torah.it.
Torah.it also presents the recordings gathered by Leo Levi in the 1950s: he collected the songs of many small Italian Jewish communities that had by then disappeared.
Below we offer links to items that you can appreciate even without knowing a single word of Italian!
We wish you a pleasant experience on our site!
Parashot (audio)
Haftarot (audio)
Italian rite Siddurim and Machazorim
Tape of Italian/Sefardi Hazanuth
Bircat coanim, Bircat haMazon, Mishmarà and Brith Milà, Marriage
LEO LEVI TAPE COLLECTION of Italian Rite Prayers
Seder Pesach le Iehudè Luv (Libia)
9th of Av at the Kotel, Roman Rite, video
Succot and Lulavim in Jerusalem
Hoshanà Rabà in Rome, Great Synagogue, video
email: studia@torah.it